Our Story: Celebrating African Inspired Snacks

In the vibrant tapestry of African
cuisine, there exists snacks that captivates taste buds and transcends borders. Originating from West Africa, these delectable treats have gained worldwide popularity for their irresistible crunch, aromatic flavors, and versatile nature. Join us on a mouthwatering journey as we explore the captivating story of these snacks and their cultural significance, and why they have become an international sensation.

Our business is a family owned and operated company located in Queens, New York. As a family, we always found it difficult to find delicious snacks when we moved to the US. Out of necessity, we decided to redefine simple and tasty snacks we grew up enjoying in Cameroon. Friends and family loved our various roasted, baked and fried snacks and requested them for holiday dinners and parties. We want to share our delicious snacks with your family and friends. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do!!